New for v2.0 - Network If you already own F/A-18 Hornet 1.x, the following excerpt from the 2.0 addendum summarizes the changes and new features for Hornet 2.0 - Network play. Requirements "F/A-18 Hornet 2.0" allows network play for two to four players across any AppleTalk™ compatible network, including Apple Remote Access® (for modem play). Depending on the server used, it is likely that no more than two players may successfully fly using Apple Remote Access®. All network players MUST have version 2.0 to establish a network connection. A player running a different version than that of the host will not be able to see the hosted mission in the "Join" dialog. Room Popup The "Host" and "Join" dialogs support nine "rooms" in which network missions may be played. When hosting a mission, select a room through the popup menu above the available mission list. Players wishing to join must choose the same room the join dialog to see the hosted mission in their list. These rooms allow each mission to be hosted by a maximum of nine players on any one network. Host Options The mission's "Host" may alter two settings to optimize network function. The host options are transmitted to other players during flight. • "Low Traffic Network" causes network players to exchange aircraft state data twice as often as when the option is UNchecked. This creates a higher demand on the network. More than two players using either LocalTalk™ or ARA (Apple Remote Access™) networks may want uncheck this option. Two players using 9600 bps or faster modems should leave this item checked. If players experience excessive jerking when viewing other aircraft, uncheck this option. • "Precision Positioning" changes the internal interpolation algorithm used. When checked, this option will give better apparent positions for remote aircraft (aircraft other than yours), but might cause excessive surging. This option should probably be checked when all players are using fast computers. If the speed disparity between two players is great, this option should probably be UNchecked. Experimentation is the best way to decide which options should be checked. Player Communication F/A-18 Hornet 2.0 allows typed communication among players from the cockpit, as well as from the mission briefing window before flying. To send a message from the briefing window, simply type the message and press r. To send a message from the cockpit, press c' type the message, then press r. If a message is started in the cockpit, but no typing occurs for about four seconds, the message line will be cleared and the keyboard will again control the aircraft. Messages can be exchanged between the briefing room and pilots in flight. Private messages can be exchanged by holding down the o key when pressing r to send the message. Reloading/Refueling It is possible to reload fuel and restore arms (the load that you initially chose before flight). To refuel, taxi onto the designated fuel pad at any friendly airbase, come to a complete stop, and press sF (Fuel). To reload arms and reload fuel stop on the pad and press sR (Reload all). Fuel pads are typically located near fuel tanks and can be identified by a large white "F." Network Difficulty Settings During network play, "Normal" difficulty settings override the settings of the difficulty dialog.